Trash Day  

My wife and I are currently participating in an entire church fast with our current church. Beginning January 12 and going to February 2, we have each chosen to give up certain things and replaced them with prayer in order to become closer to God and understand his purpose for our lives. Each morning, we start off with a scripture and meditate on it throughout the day. Today’s scripture(s) were John15: 12-17. It takes place at the last supper as Jesus is preparing to be arrested, tried, convicted and…

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Cincinnati Pride: The Adventures of a Straight Guy at Pride 


As a photographer, I attempt at every cost to take the best picture; whether it be poses, to scenery and even events. I honestly believe that every photographer, even if its only just a hobby, should practice to get better. To me it’s similar to being a singer. You must work at it to get better at it. Really, at anything you do, the desire to enhance yourself should be prevalent. My goal on this partially rainy Saturday afternoon was to get better at shooting bright colors. What better place to do that…

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Catch me if you can!!!

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Party on the Purple - Pride!

Purple People Bridge, Cincinnati, OH

Dave B. Soul and the Everyday People Band will be rockin out in celebration of Pride this coming Wednesday!!! Food Trucks!!! Drinks!!! Live music!!!

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